My Storie's - God's Truths "Modern Day Parables That Point To Christ"

My Storie's - God's Truths "Modern Day Parables That Point To Christ"

Regular price $20.00
-13 in stock

This 6"x9" soft cover book is an easy reading Christian devotional with many real life stories, including some centered around hunting and my country life. Our lives are classrooms that are always teaching us if we are watching and listening. Here are some of the things my life has taught me. 

You will be challenged, encouraged & motivated to live life to the fullest of what you were created to be. 


   I am SO enjoying your book. When I grab my cup of tea or coffee, turn on my worship music to background low, sit back on my recliner-lift chair and click the recline switch, open your book and begin to read... I truly feel a friend has joined me and is sharing life tales with me. I find myself surprisingly identifying in far more ways than I would have imagined, with a fishing, deer-hunting country boy at heart..... I am, indeed, being blessed"

Sharon - 

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